
By Aaron Bloom

DocMJ is Florida’s largest and most experienced group of certified medical marijuana physicians. We have been providing appropriate medical marijuana recommendations to qualified patients since 2016. We are proud to offer our patients world-class care at an affordable price. All our physicians and mental health counselors are experienced experts who really understand the needs of patients who seek medical cannabis as an alternative to prescription drugs.

One of the things that sets DocMJ apart from other providers is that we work hard to understand the complete patient. We recognized early on that patients who suffer from some chronic anxiety conditions (e.g. PTSD), may need more than just medicinal relief. We know that research has shown that when you combine medical marijuana use with counseling, you not only treat the symptoms but also the underlying cause. For us, this is just a part of helping all patients have their own individual wellness journey with medical cannabis.

We have educational resources that are easily accessible via our website at Additionally, patients can feel connected by watching any of our numerous videos including patient testimonials, cannabis educational videos and blogs, and more. When it comes to medical cannabis, qualifying conditions, and positive treatment outcomes, DocMJ is a patient’s best alternative for their treatment journey. We have everything a patient needs under one amazing umbrella website that is easy to navigate and helps patients feel comfortable with medical cannabis.

Patients don’t have to suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD and a host of other qualified conditions in Florida. They can rely on DocMJ to help them learn everything they need to know about medical marijuana and most importantly, get the real relief they have been searching for.

Aaron Bloom is CEO at DocMJ. To learn more, visit