
Jaden Bell

SWAT is Florida’s statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement of empowered youth working towards a tobacco free future.

SWAT provides an opportunity for Florida youth to stand up to big tobacco and voice their opinions. There is a SWAT Chapter in every county in Florida. SWAT clubs operate in middle schools, high schools and community centers across the state. Within Broward County, there are 24 active clubs existing in both middle schools and high schools for the 22-23 school year.

SWAT clubs are comprised of an advisor and an executive team of students which includes a president, vice president, secretary and media relations coordinator. SWAT clubs participate in National Tobacco Observances and facilitate presentations in order to educate their peers and influence policy makers. This club gives these students the opportunity to gain leadership and advocacy skills.

“It is amazing to see schools, teachers and students stand up to big tobacco,” DOH-Broward’s Tobacco Program Manager Jaden Bell said. “Tobacco prevention among youth is a multi-collaborative effort in which SWAT is the acting force. Students and advisors are eager to make a difference on their school campus.”

For more information about SWAT and DOH-Broward’s Tobacco Prevention Program, please contact Jaden Bell at