
Statement Attributed To:
Jack Resneck Jr, MD
President, American Medical Association

“The American Medical Association (AMA) is deeply disappointed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s harmful and disturbing decision to strike down a New York State measure regulating concealed carry licenses for handguns as an appropriate and constitutional response by state government officials to the scourge of firearm violence in their local communities. Firearm violence is a public health crisis, and easier access to weapons and fewer restrictions on who can carry them – and where they can be carried – are dangerous steps in the wrong direction. Overturning decades of reasonable firearm regulations will cost more lives.

“As leaders in medicine, our unique perspective on firearm violence as a grave public health crisis is informed by scientific research and the clinical experiences of physicians. In emergency departments across the country, physicians are first-hand witnesses to the catastrophic fallout of firearm violence while caring for victims with devastating, life-threatening injuries that are preventable.

“While we are discouraged that the high court did not recognize New York’s concealed carry measure as a lawful and necessary response to curbing firearm-related violence — the AMA will remain a strong advocate for firearm regulations as an essential element of effective public-safety policy.”


In October 2021, the AMA was joined by a group of medical organizations in filing an amicus brief in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc v. Bruen. Read more about the AMA’s ongoing efforts to confront gun violence here