If you purchased orange futures in 2005 prior to the strike from Hurricane Wilma you bought wisely. If you didn’t and you were one of over 760,000 people affected adversely by the storm, not another storm season has passed that you weren’t mindful of the ill effects and what steps you should take to deter them. Individual homeowners will make sure they have their insurance intact, board up windows, empty store shelves, fill up with gas and hope for the best. So what should industries do to protect themselves? Specifically, what is the best defense for medical facilities against the rage of the storm?
Medical facilities have a large responsibility to their patients and the community to insulate themselves from wind and water damage as well as taking the proper precautions against power outages. A number of hospitals experienced window and water damage from tornadoes and strong winds when Hurricane Wilma hit. There is an element of damage that cannot be controlled but there are ways to minimize damage for the ensuing storm season. Let’s address the water damage that can come in from the roof.
Prior to hurricane season, facilities managers and engineers should be ‘buttoning’ up their roofs. The first step is to partner with a reputable commercial roofing contractor that provides service and maintenance agreements for these and other events. This agreement should stipulate that the hospital roof will have priority to be seen and serviced in a timely manner in the event of storm damage. The roofing contractor will initially inspect the roof and take pictures at the time of contract to assess the condition of the roof prior to a storm. The contractor will make recommendations to clear debris, secure rooftop equipment and seal any opening that will risk water seepage. The objective is to make the roof waterproof and secure or remove objects on the roof. The photographs should be kept as part of a report that can be used as documentation for insurance purposes if the worst happens.
Ultimately, it is key to develop a relationship with a licensed and insured roofing contractor so that your facility is protected and kept water tight in case of an emergency.