COVID-19 Pandemic Response Planning – Surge Capacity Planning, Evaluation and Exercises

Our GLOBAL COMMUNITY is now in the pandemic phase of the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. What has become very apparent is that our country and its healthcare facilities are severely unprepared for a sudden insurgence of patients.

CoronaVirusResponse are experts in surge capacity planning. Our team is comprised of physicians and emergency managers with proven capabilities and expertise gained globally from years of firsthand experience managing crises from SARS, MERS, Anthrax, H1N1 and Ebola. 

Let us use this experience to assist you in developing, evaluating and exercising your capabilities to meet the upcoming surge.  

CoronaVirusResponse offers turn-key consulting services, plan review, exercises (table-top, full scale), crisis communication planning, and EOC management.

CoronaVirusResponse – a focused specialty consultancy that provides proven solutions for healthcare and government to prepare, respond and recover from health threats such as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID19).

For more information, email or
call  1-833-PANDEM-9