
Rina Patel, a senior at Florida International University’s Robert Stemple School of Public Health, will graduate this spring with a B.A. in Health Service Administration. With future plans to attend graduate school as well as work full-time, Rina is currently an intern at Jackson South Community Hospital. With the assistance of Dr. Nancy Borkowski, a visiting assistant professor in FIU’s Department of Health Policy and Management, Rina received this prestigious opportunity to work in health systems with Jackson Senior Vice President and CAO Stuart Podolnick.

(l-r) Stuart Podolnick and Rina Patel

Thus far, Rina has completed 300 internship hours, attending meeting alongside Podolnick and interacting with other hospital departments on a daily basis. Her current project involves the resolution of an echocardiogram issue for the hospital. In response to physician complaints about the timely execution of this testing, Rina is conducting an investigation into possible solutions. Rina also finds time to chair the membership board of the Health Executive Student Organization (HESO), at Florida International.

It was recently announced that Rina was the recipient of the 2008 South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum (SFHEF) undergraduate scholarship.