
You May Qualify for a Study that Aims to Reduce the Pain

Memorial Cardiac and Vascular Institute is enrolling for a clinical trial to test an investigational autologous cell therapy (using the patient’s own cells) to reduce chest pain (angina) in patients with documented microvascular dysfunction and normal or non-obstructed coronary arteries.

The FREEDOM Trial is evaluating a type of investigational cell therapy, not yet approved by the FDA, using a patient’s own cells to potentially repair damage to the tiny (micro) blood vessels, called microvasculature. The treatment is delivered via a minimally invasive, catheter-based procedure and serious complications are considered rare.

To be eligible, patients must meet all the following criteria:
• Men or women 18 years and older
• Experiencing angina at least 3 times per week
• Prior diagnosis of coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD)
• No obstructive coronary artery disease.

To enroll in the study, call 954-265-4184.