
When it comes to coaching, training, leading or building a strong culture around anything, nothing can help the cause more than telling or sharing a good story. Think about it. What resonates more? When you ask someone to do something or when you share a story from your career which brings home the same point?

Which has a greater impact? A policy manual or sharing success stories from their peers as living examples? Stories allow you to create an emotional connection.

The key to storytelling as an effective communication and leadership tool has three key elements: 1.) When was it? This is where you paint the picture to provide context. 2.) What happened? This is where you provide all the essential details which brings the story to life 3.) What’s the theme? This gives you the opportunity to bring home the point/lesson of the story. This method is EXCELLENT when it comes to increasing patient care and satisfaction.

Organizations that are great at sharing stories seem to build a culture of excellence faster. They share examples of where they made mistakes and also when they went above and beyond. The leadership team incorporates story-telling into meetings, debriefs and pep talks. And there is an ongoing effort to capture tales of extraordinary patient care and broadcast it to the masses.

All of these activities build on each other and the organization perpetually evolves month after month and year after year.

So quick gut check. How good is your organization at story telling? When was the last time you shared a great or poor patient experience in the form of a story to make a lasting impression with the team? Is anyone capturing the stories of your team and sharing them to help everyone learn and advance?

If you are not doing these things on a regular basis, you can expect the process to take longer. If you are, you are well on your way to success with patient care.