Know Your Price Points
When it comes to telecom expenses do you even know what you’re paying for? Is the contract that you have right for your business? A shrewd telecom salesperson will be able to talk an ill-informed individual “up” to a service plan, which may be more than what you really need. If there are lower price points that are more catered to your telecom usage, than it makes a lot of sense to find out as much as you can about them.
Know Your Telecom Fees
Are you getting zapped with overage fees, usage fees or other meddling little fees on your telecom contracts? A thorough analysis of your statement may raise some red flags for consistent fees that may be avoided by taking on a different contract. If you see redundant fees and you’re not sure why you are continually charged them, bring this up to a customer service agent and ask them point blank how to get rid of these fees.
Know Your Promotions
Drill down deep and find promotions that they are offering, promotions they used to offer, and even promotions that their competition is offering. If you can find specific details about these promotions you may be able to get an individualized plan that suits your needs, and if you mention the competition they may be willing to adjust what they offer.
It’s important to know the ins and outs of your telecom contracts. Make your telecom company work hard for your business. The more you know, the more leverage you have and the better you can negotiate.