
“The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which  your heart will be exercised equally with your head.”  — Sir William Osler

I am speechless … and for those who know me, that doesn’t happen very often (if ever, according to Carol.) This is our 20th Annual Salute to Physicians and it never gets any easier to express just how important our doctors are to all of us. And never more so than these past few years.

Doctors around the world dedicate their lives to helping all of us. Heaven knows they’ve pulled me out of some potentially terrible situations. They endure many years of school and grueling residency work to gain training and board certifications, not to mention working long hours to treat their patients. It takes a special kind of dedication to embark on a medical career, and all of us are indebted to those who do.

So, whether you are an experienced physician, a fledgling medical student, or new practitioner, we can only say a simple heartfelt Thank You … and hope you know and believe how much you mean to all of us.

Charles can be reached at