Cathy Kleinman-Barnett, MOTR/L, CLT-LANA, LMT, CLM
Occupational Therapist and Vodder and LANA Certified Lymphedema Specialist
Northwest Medical Center

Proudest accomplishment: Creating a new life after a divorce … relocating to Florida and returning to college at the age of 39 for a career change. Receiving my MOT in 1998. Developing and successfully building the Lymphedema Management Program and Pre/Post Breast Surgery Rehabilitation Programs in the Outpatient Rehab Department at Northwest Medical Center.

First job: Counselor at a day camp – in charge of the boating!


Rider College, Lawrenceville, NJ, BA Education, 1978
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, MOT, 1998
Academy of Lymphatic Studies, Sebastian, FL – Lymphedema Coursework certification – 1998
Dr. Vodder School of North America, Vancouver, British Columbia – MLD/CDT certification – 2001
Florida College of Natural Health, Pompano Beach, Florida, 2002 , Licensed Massage Therapist numerous continuing education credits related to women’s health, wellness, cancer, and rehabilitation

Skills needed to success in the job: Of course strong clinical and communication skills are required. And, in dealing with this very special population, compassion, sensitivity, and the ability to really listen to your patients/clients, hear their concerns, and respond honestly and with empathy are vital.

Work habit that you possess that you are most proud: I always try to do my best for my patients and co-workers. I successfully communicate with many different personalities. I am very honest (sometimes to a fault), ethical and possess a high degree of integrity. I treat my patients the way I would want my parent’s to be treated in the same situation. My patients tell me that I am very professional, knowledgeable and caring. They say that it shows that I love what I do.

Most valuable lesson that I have learned in my career: I’ve learned that you may not be able to always make everyone happy all of the time, but you can sure try! And, a smile can go a long way. I have learned that it is essential to be flexible and “roll with the punches.”

The toughest part of my job: Learning that a patient, or former patient has died. And, learning to be flexible and roll with the punches … not every day, or even every hour goes as you have planned; in fact, very few days go exactly as you had planned.

Your philosophy of success: Success to me is feeling that you have made a contribution, and a difference in some way … big or small … every day.

My goals:

Professional: I am the consummate learner. I plan on continuing to learn new skills, continually refresh my current skills and to be a leader and service my community to the best of my ability. I envision expanding my role as a therapist to that of a leader, a manager, a marketer, a developer in the industry specializing in lymphedema, women’s health and wellness. One of my goals is to expand and take the lymphedema and women’s health and wellness program to the next level. I also would like to expand senior programs as we are all living much longer. The goal is not just to live longer … but live healthier. There is a great need in the community for services that we offer at Northwest Medical Center. My goal is to reach out to the community so that more and more people know that Northwest Medical Center is the place to go for excellent, quality care. There are more patients out there with lymphedema than there are therapists to treat them. There is great opportunity to expand the program and I would like to have the resources to treat these individuals. The free monthly Lymphedema Support Group that I run is a great resource. The biannual Lymphedema Expo that I coordinate is another great resource for lay people and professionals to learn more about this chronic condition. More and more physicians are sending patients to me for education so they are “armed” with the information they need to practice preventative measures to avoid lymphedema to the extent possible. This is fantastic, an enormous advance, and I for see this trend of “preventative therapy” continuing. Aquatic therapy is a very beneficial modality for breast cancer survivors and those with lymphedema and I would love to be able to offer this service to our community, too.

Personal: A personal goal of mine is to travel and see more of our country and other countries before I die. :

Person you most admire: My father. He has set an example for me by showing me how a strong work ethic can create a successful, rewarding career. In his mid 50’s, when many are looking toward retirement, in under a year, he lost his wife (my mother) to cancer, his father, and the family business. He used his experience and his business skills along with his affable personality to re-establish himself as a successful business person and, to this day, at the healthy age of 82 is still consulted and considered an expert in his industry. My father is an example of one with a full, rewarding life to this day … a person with a full business life and a full, social and personal life … the best of both worlds! He pursues his business with passion and his outside interests with the same energy.

Favorite Book: Tender To The Bone by Ruth Reichl

Biggest challenge facing healthcare: The biggest challenge facing healthcare today is the astounding cost … from both the business end and the consumer end … and the inability of many to afford the care they need. The challenge is to create a means for healthcare to be affordable and available to all. I see my patients that desperately need treatment unable to get the care they need and deserve because the insurance company grants a limited number of visits, and often these patients end up back in the hospital with cellulitis. This could be avoided if additional therapy visits had been allowed. I see some of my patient’s conditions get worse because they are unable to afford the compression garments that they so desperately need and insurance doesn’t see these garments as a medical necessity … and many patients often end up with infections and back in the hospital.

What advice would you offer young people considering a career in therapy: Follow your dream … pursue it with passion! Do what you love! Volunteer/observe in a variety of therapy settings. Be curious, enjoy people, be flexible, be caring, expect the unexpected … something different every day and, above all, have a sense of humor!

Sari Rotenberg, PT/MBA
Director of Rehab/Occupational Medicine
Northwest Medical Center

Proudest accomplishment: Dr. Frist Humanitarian Award for HCA Broward

First job: Manager at Baskin and Robbins Ice Cream in Long Island while waiting to receive my license for PT 1980

Education: Physical Therapy Degree 1980 / Masters in Business Administration 1992

What skills do you need to succeed in your job: Empathy for patients; incredible leadership skills to deal with employees, physicians all customers; customer service … how to deal with community wants and needs; vast knowledge of professional rules and regulations.

Work habit you possess that you are most proud of: Natural ethics –‘”always doing the right” thing.

Most valuable lesson you learned in your career: Be flexible, change is constant.

The toughest part of your job: Downsizing and letting staff go … knowing that you probably will not get them back again.

Your philosophy of success: Be honest and have open communication … build relationships..

One of your goals: Win the lottery so we can buy the outpatient clinic … and not have the patients worry about the increasing co-pays.

On a lighter note: Start my Doctorate towards Health Administration.

Person you most admire: Golda Meir … what an incredible leader!!

Favorite book: Charlottes Web

Biggest challenge confronting healthcare: Increasing cost of health insurance with an ever decreasing model with delivery of patient care.

What advice would you offer young people considering a career in therapy: There is a noticeable flaw in the healthcare system, everyone suffers (from the patient to the organization that delivers the care). Your challenge … to revamp the whole system, allow everyone affordable healthcare, have fair reimbursement. After all, everyone wants to be appreciated for a job well done – stop hiding behind a game of numbers and just let us treat the patients.

Susan Sayles
Physical Therapist
Northwest Medical Center

Proudest accomplishment: Completion of my NDT certification (Neuro-Developmental Treatment )

First job: Waitress at a family diner

Education: AS, BS in Biology, MS in Physical Therapy, NDT certification

What skills do you need to succeed in your job: Patience, caring, observation, communication

Work habit you possess that you are most proud of: Being thorough.

Most valuable lesson you learned in your career: Learning never stops.

The toughest part of your job: Working within the constraints of the insurance companies.

Your philosophy of success: Treat everyone as you would want to be treated.

One of your goals: To teach at a university or seminars.

What advice would you offer young people considering a career in therapy: Make sure you enjoy working with people and do not be afraid to touch.

William S. Berman, M.D., Named Medical Director of Adult Physical & Occupational Therapy for Bethesda Outpatient Rehabilitation

Bethesda Healthcare System is proud to announce William S. Berman, M.D., as the medical director of adult physical & occupational therapy for Bethesda Outpatient Rehabilitation. Dr. Berman is Board-certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with additional certification in pain medicine and has been in practice in Palm Beach County since 1998.

Dr. Berman completed his residency specialty training at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York in 1984 and served as Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at Tuft’s University School of Medicine in Boston. He is a fellow member of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management.