May 10 2021 – As of this date. the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) launched an improved transparency dashboard bringing accountability and clearer transparency to emergency power plans and the availability of onsite generators for all regulated nursing homes and assisted living facilities (ALFs). This dashboard is part of a continued commitment to increase transparency within Florida’s health care system and highlight quality and performance data for potentially preventable events. 
“As the 2021 Hurricane Season approaches, ensuring the safety and security of all Floridians, especially the most vulnerable citizens residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, is extremely important to our Agency,” said Secretary Simone Marstiller.  “Families need assurance that the facilities responsible for caring for their loved ones have the resources needed to weather any potential storms. The Generator Status dashboard is a great tool for families and caregivers to evaluate long-term care facilities’ compliance for emergency preparation.”
This updated dashboard, hosted on the Agency’s website, allows families and caregivers to research which nursing homes and ALFs in Florida comply with the emergency power rules – Rule 59A-4.1265, F.A.C. and Rule 59A-36.025, F.A.C. 
Information about generator status, onsite visits by Agency surveyors and an interactive map enabling users to view data by county, facility type and status of compliance can be found on the dashboard and its corresponding report page. 
The Agency is tasked with regulating the state’s nursing homes and ALFs, which ensure that Florida’s most vulnerable populations are safe. These licensed facilities must comply with all rules including patient care standards, medication assistance and administration, and other life safety measures; the same compliance is expected for emergency power requirements. Inspections are ongoing to monitor compliance.
To easily see the status of compliance for nursing homes and ALFs, visit our Generator Status Dashboard. This easy-to-use dashboard allows you to view the status of compliance by facility, facility type and county.