This is the holiday season where we pluck the turkey, stuff the bird, bake the cookies and pies, spin the dradle, trim the tree, leave carrots out for the reindeer, and enjoy family, friends, good food and spirits. After all it is the holidays.
So, let’s talk turkey about keeping all that wonderful food safe for you and your family during this holiday season.
First and foremost, when shopping buy only what you need as opposed to buying out the store because our eyes get bigger than our stomachs while grocery shopping. The grocery stores are full of good smells and bargains so don’t go to the grocery store hungry, you won’t be able to resist and you might bite off more than you can chew, so only buy what you need.
After you purchase your food, you know, the frozen turkey, ham, refrigerated mushrooms, cold orange juice, frozen cream or custard pie, ice cream, eggs, you get the picture, Don’t go to the mall and go Shopping! Take your food and go home immediately.
Next put it away ASAP! Never leave cold and frozen items out on the counter, or in your car longer than you have to, because anytime the temperature of cold food is over 41° or if the temperature of the frozen food is over zero (0°), your food is in the danger zone between, (41° to 135°) where bacteria can grow rapidly. Keep it cold!
When preparing your food, keep it cold as long as possible to prevent possible bacteria growth during preparation.
Make sure when you are cooking your food, it reaches the right temperature to kill harmful bacteria that could potentially turn your food and your stomach into a plop, plop, fizz, fizz, time bomb. Always cook your food to the correct appropriate temperatures such as;
– Beef and pork roasts, and fish should be cooked to 145° interior temperature,
– Steak is cooked to an interior temperature of 145° for a medium rare finish, or longer if desired,
– Hamburger should be cooked to 155° and held there for 15 seconds, to remove the worry of E. Coli.
– All poultry and meat stuffed items are cooked to 165° and remember, never cook the stuffing inside the bird, cook it separately and insert when ready to serve.
What to do with the all those leftovers, get them into the refrigerator as soon as the meal is over and don’t let Aunt Minnie wrap them up in aluminum foil and leave them out on the counter. Put them on ice or in the refrigerator. When reheating leftovers, only heat the portion you are going to eat to 165°s and if anything is left over, discard. If reheating in a Microwave, heat to 165°s cover and let stand for 2 minutes, and then serve. Never keep leftovers more than three or four days, at below 41°.
Happy Holidays!